Monday, December 9, 2013

New England Aquarium By Christie

The New England Aquarium is a Boston attraction that most people from the area almost take for granted. Bostonians have gone as children first with our parents, and then again with school field trips and it becomes a place you sort of forget about as much as you can forget someplace you've been often. You start to think you've seen everything there and you don't need to go again.
I think we should rethink that. And that people visiting the city should definitely make it a stop on their travels through the city. I went again recently with some relatives from out of town who hadn't been there before. I honestly think I could spend an abnormal amount of time just watching the penguins. They seem to play king of the mountain in their habitat and are just so fun to watch.
The way the aquarium is set up you have to sort of pay attention or you'll miss interesting exhibits. The aquarium is set up as a large tank with a spiral around it that you can walk up while watching the sharks, turtles and other animals inside. But all along the right side there are smaller tanks with other fish that either wouldn't survive in the larger tank or for some reason need to be out on their own. Try not to miss these smaller displays sometimes they have the neatest little animals. Also don't miss the outside area with the seals. They are outside of the aquarium entrance and you can easily not notice that they are there.
An adult ticket is currently about $25. Adding an IMAX show only adds another $5 so it is a better deal if you have the time to do the aquarium and a movie. For anyone who doesn't know what an IMAX show at the aquarium would be, in general they have different 3D movies usually about sea animals.
One of our prior guests who stayed on our houseboat in Winthrop recommended becoming a member. The most economical example is a pass for $145 that allows you to go as many times as you want in a year with up to 4 people and two IMAX passes. The guest liked it because it gave her a place where she could grab lunch in the café when she was visiting other popular sites in the area.
The Aquarium website for more information is
For more information on renting the houseboat you can go to


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