Monday, December 2, 2013

Boston Chipyard by Christie

   The Chipyard is a very simple yet special place we recommend that you visit while in Boston. Let's be honest, a chocolate chip cookie is the first desert that almost anyone learns to cook. Most people with basic cooking skills would agree it's difficult to make a chocolate chip cookie that is truly awful. However, an exceptional chocolate chip cookie is a wonderful thing.
I discovered the Chipyard at least ten years ago. They are located in Quincy Market inside of the Faneuil Hall area. In college my friends and stumbled across The Chipyard (possibly literally) because there are a lot of bars in the area that are popular with college age people as well as locals and tourists. The Chipyard is open 24 hours a day, so warm, delicious cookies very late at night were incredibly appealing to us. Faneuil Hall is a wonderful area to grab dinner and few drinks no matter who you are or what age, but remember to save some room for some cookies!
     I personally recommend that you follow some tips when you visit them. First, don't be afraid to mix cookies. They often have six or more different flavors and it can be overwhelming to pick only one to try. Go ahead and ask for one of each or (if you're like me) a few of whatever flavor looks the best and a couple singles of other ones you think you might like to test out. Second, I believe the peanut butter chocolate chip ones are amazing, I recommend you should get them every time. And lastly either ask them which ones came out of the oven last, or stand back for a few minutes and ask for the hot ones right out of the ovens. They have a really fast paced business so the cookies are always fresh but there is something about a chocolate chip cookie right out of the oven that just makes them that much better every time.

     If you can't visit the city you can also order online and find more information about their products at: They also have a handy map of exactly where they are located inside of Faneuil Hall.


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